Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another beautiful, sunny day in Palm Harbor, Florida!

April 18th and life is good.  We had guests from Georgia last week...what fun!!  Aileen is my husbands cousin.  Her husband, David, is the brother of one of my best friends.  Okay....I'll give you a minute to think on that.  Let me further complicate....David's sister (one of my best friends) married one of my husbands best friends - we introduced them at OUR wedding.   Talk about "all in the family".

Anyhow...we enjoyed having Aileen and David here.  25+ years ago we were all in each others weddings.  Their son and our son are 3 months apart in age.  We lived near each other and hung out for years...even before we were married.  When our boys were babies they moved from VA to GA.  Sadly we have not seen a lot of each other in 25 years.  We might see each other annually at a wedding or funeral.  We had lots of laughs and catching up, old stories and family memories.  What fun.

Tomorrow another dear friend and her hubster arrive from VA.  Donna and I went to high school together so we've know each other since 1975. the math..that's 36 years.  Hard to believe.  She's only been married 5 years and our hubbies only met about a year ago.  They hit it off immediately and we always have such a great time together!!

I've baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today and made pretzel bites.  Cinnamon-sugar pretzel bites to be exact.  Okay....buttered cinnamon-sugar pretzel bites.  And I ate about a hundred of them while they were still warm and just dipped in butter and rolled in  the sugar. freakin' good I cannot tell you.  I actually felt ill after inhaling them so quickly.  Why do I do that?  I'm so mad at myself afterward!
Oh well...the damage is done now.  My blood sugar spiked and now I'll crash - hard!  Not to mention the weight gain...just from THINKING about what I've done!  :(

The pretzel bite recipe I got off of Pinterest.  I definitely need a "Pintervention"!!!  Buy frozen Rhodes dinner rolls....thaw and cut into quarters...let rise....pop pieces in boiling water for 45 seconds (in small batches) drain on paper towels.  Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 min.  Baste with melted butter and roll in cinnamon sugar immediately.  All I can say is YUM.  You can also roll them in seasoned (garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper) grated parmesan if you'd rather savory than sweet.  Not a fan of they the sugar!!!

So we're ready for company.  Stopped at the butcher and bought 8 shish kebabs for dinner on Thursday....4 buffalo and 4 greek.  Cooking them on the grill.  Will bake some potatoes and a salad with them.  Perfect summer time meal.  That reminds me...I must make some iced tea!!

Gotta run....meeting a friend to walk our doggies on the doggy beach at Honeymoon Island.  Toodles!!

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