Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Busy Life I love....

Oh my...it's been like a revolving door around here as of late!  First we had cousins from Georgia visit for 5 days a couple weeks ago.  Last week - Thursday pm - friends from VA flew in for a 4 day weekend.  This has left me little time to blog :)  We sure enjoyed both visits.  Why have a beach home in Florida if you aren't going to have lots of company, right?  tee hee.

One thing we will NOT do again is tell folks to fly into Orlando airport to save a few bucks instead of flying intoTampa or St. Pete.  We though Orlando airport was an "easy" 90 minute drive from our home.  How about over 2 hours in terrible traffic!!  Our guests felt badly!  We suggested it, however, so they had nothing to feel badly about.  We just won't do it again....not worth the $200 savings!!

So now I'm back to washing sheets and a bit of housekeeping.  Will work in my sisters classroom tomorrow for a couple of hours, as I do every Wednesday.  Friday she needs me all day to assist with their 'field day'.  Ofcourse it's going to be 88 degrees and humid on Friday.  Yikes!!  I guess we'll survive!!

I've been busy in my craft room again.  Painted a couple of pictures.  My friend from VA, Donna, and I painted some Palm tree husks to look like masks and we did a fish.  They turned out cute!!!  What fun we had on rainy Sunday doing that.

I gained 6 lbs with our guests here.  Too much  beer and too much great food!!  We can eat and drink for sure.  Double walks for me this week.  We enjoyed siting outside around the fire pit one evening.  The guys smoking a cigar with their "makers mark".  I am the only one, however, who ate a s'mores.  Okay, I ate TWO s'mores.  They were so melty and gooey and chocolatey and sweet.  YUM.  The others just don't know what they missed!

So now it's back to just Jack and I.  Sigh.  Sitting here on this breezy, cool Florida morning enjoying coffee, computers and paper.  Nice to have a day to relax before life gets busy again.  Laundry and some art studio time today perhaps.....after my LONG WALK.

So following are pics from our first guests...last week...Aileen and Dave from GA....

 Military Tattoo...lot's of pipe bands - such a fun evening!!!
 Tarpon Springs....our "go to" when guests visit....lol

Jack and Dave on the beach at Honeymoon Island...our other "go to" when we have guests!!

Listed below are pictures from Donna and Harolds visit this past weekend......
 Donna and Harold!!  Donna and I have know each other since high school...35 years!!
 Jack and Harold in front of our home!
 We went to the scottish highland games...what a great day it was!!!
 These guys were too funny!!
 Highland dancers...my sister and I did this at the Cowal Games when we lived in Scotland!
 The colors....I am such a patriotic fool...I get all choked up.  Something to do with my son being a Marine I guess....and having been deployed 4 times and shot by the Taliban during his third....yeah...I get emotional!! Five surgeries and a year of rehab...and he was sent back for a fourth tour!!!  Crazy.
 Our favorite band, Seven Nations.  We've followed them for years!!
 Donna and H....so cute.
 The four of us in Tarpon Springs at Hellas Restaurant...best greek food ever!
 fire pit time
 the boys and their stogies
Me and my girl on my front porch.  Sure did enjoy their visit!!!!

That's it for today folks...laundry to do and a long walk to take.  Love, hugs and peace!!

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