Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday before Easter and here I sit thinking about all that I should be doing and not having the energy to do any of it :)  Grocery store, make ahead dishes for tomorrows dinner, color eggs, put out a few Easter decorations....the list goes on.  We got up at 7:45am and walked 3 miles, came home and had coffee and read the I feel like I could go for a nap.

My sister and I and 3 other friends are going to a dinner theatre play this afternoon.  "Something About Susan" at an Italian American dinner theatre.  We try to get together once a month and do something.  I think next month we'll paint our own pottery!!  Last month is was another play.  Have to meet Sis at 3pm. What am I doing blogging when I have so much to do between now and then?  :)

Okay....cowgirl up...pull on the boots and get moving!!  The weather here in Palm Harbor, FL has taken a nice turn toward cool and breezy.  Love it.  We drove to Sunset Beach in Tarpon Springs yesterday afternoon - as the cool front was moving in - and watched all of the kite surfers in the water.  Talk about AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL!!!  It's the perfect spot for kite surfing and the weather was cooperating....and there were about 75 kite surfers there.  Awesome.  I took over 100 pictures!!

So you get the idea....wayyyyyy cool.  I bet it takes tons of strength too!  I'd love to try this some time.  I'm not a huge fan of hopefully it wouldn't pull me too high into the air!!  I'd freak!!!! Some of these guys and gals were catching major air and doing flips and thanks.  I'd just like to fly through the water!  I'll let you know if/when I give it a try...if I survive it.

We skyped with our precious grand daughter.  She'll be two the end of May and she's so funny, smart and  just wonderful.  She looks at the computer now and says "Mimi, Pap-Pap" while pointing to the screen.  This means she wants to Skype with us.  Isn't she smart?  She lives in Quantico, VA and we're in FL - so we Skype several times most weeks.  I have to sing to her......"The Wheels on the Bus" and "The Eeensy Weensy Spider".  She does all the hand motions...jumping ahead to the next one before we complete the one we're on.  She's too funny!!  Then she gives herself a hand. :)
That's her and Pap-Pap on the beach back in February when she came for a visit.  What fun we had!!

So my Saturday is rapidly waning....and I have tons to do.....starting with making the bed!!  Must run.  Come back tomorrow for the pork roast I'm making for our Easter dinner.  Yum.  My sister is bringing two girls from her church for dinner.  Nice menu planned...I love to cook!!!  Okay...shutting up now and getting a move on!!!

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